By default, it selects the node with the most space available. 默认情况下,它会选择拥有最多可用空间的节点。
For TS/ Citrix servers this would mean that a profile would need considerable space available. 对于TS/Citrix服务器,这意味着一个配置文件可能需要大量可用空间。
On its own, this information can give a quick indication of the space available. 这个信息本身可以提供关于可用空间的直观指示。
Increase the amount of address space available to you. 增加可用的地址空间量。
Ensure that this file system and the volume group ( for example, rootvg) has adequate space available. 确保此文件系统和卷组(例如,rootvg)有足够的空间可用。
Second, it assumes that there is enough log space available to complete the entire copy. 其次,它假设有足够的日志空间用来完成整个复制操作。
Requirements work tends to expand to fill the space available. 需求工作趋向于进行扩展以填充可用的空间。
I find the parking here quite under strain. The latecomers might find no parking space available. 我发现停车位很紧张,是不是来晚了就没有车位了呢?
The space available on a system of quays. 码头面积一组码头中可利用的空间。
There is insufficient space available on the drive. 驱动器上的有效空间不足。
Even today there is not enough parking space available, so the cars sometimes block in the sidewalk. 即使在今天,没有足够的停车空间导致一些车辆堵在了人行道上。
Parkinson's Law of Data: Data expands to fill the space available. 帕金森数据定律:数据总会占满整个可用储存空间。
Not enough disk space available for the print file. Delete some files. 磁盘空间不足不能打印文件。请删除一些文件。
This will increase the space available for the information on your labels. 这样可以增加标签中信息的可用空间。
Review component space requirements and the space available on each drive. 请复查组件所需空间,及每个驱动器上的可用空间。
The living space available for pets is also an important measure; 宠物是否有足够的生活空间也是个重要的考虑;
Population density will affect the space available for the excreta disposal system and thus the type of system. 人口的密度会影响到排泄物处理系统的可用空间和种类。
( computer science) the space available on a magnetic disk. 计算机科学中,指磁盘中可用的空间。
There is not enough disk space available for this operation. 无足够磁盘空间可用于此项操作。
In either case, user action is required to make log space available. 不管哪种情况,都需要用户执行操作才能使日志空间可用。
Small or irregularly shaped spaces which do not add effectively to the space available for free movement and cannot be used for installing furniture should be excluded. 不应包括那些不能有效地增加供自由移动的可用空间和不能用来放置家具的小的和形状不规则的空间。
Try moving files to another disk to make more space available. 请尝试将文件移动到其他磁盘以获得更多可用的空间。
There is not enough memory or disk space available to run the application. 有效内存或磁盘空间不足以运行应用程序。
However, you can minimize the ribbon to make more space available on your screen. 但是,您可以最小化功能区以增大屏幕中可用的空间。
There's not enough disk space available to create a required file in your temporary windows folder. 磁盘空间不足,无法在临时windows文件夹中创建必要的文件。
A fatal error has occurred. Check that you have sufficient memory and disk space available. 出现致命错误。请检查是否具有足够的可用内存和磁盘空间。
You can obtain information about the space available for the temporary file using the sa_disk_free_space procedure. 您可以使用sadiskfreespace过程来获取有关临时文件的可用空间信息。
You have profile storage space available. 您的配置文件还有可用的存储空间。
The less carryon luggage space available on an aircraft, the more carryon luggage passengers will bring aboard. 飞机上随身行李空间越少,就会有越多的旅客携带随身行李。
You don't have any unpartitioned space available on your current hard disk. 你没有任何的不分割空间从你的目前硬式磁盘可得。